Fancy Coconut Mask of Puerto Rico
Media: painted coconut husk and carved wood spikes
Artist : unknown
Date: unknown
Description: Brightly painted coconut husk, Eleven skinny long spikes arranged around the face of the mask.
Formal Analysis: This piece uses the element of pattern, the pattern is not only on the face but is carried through to the spikes.
Blue Moon Mask
Media: carved and painted wood
Artist: Unknown
Date: Unknown
Size: 8 inches
Description: This brightly painted mask from Mexico uses vivid colors, predominately the blue to indicate a night sky full of stars.
Formal Analysis: This mask uses color as its main element of art and also utilizes texture in the carving on the wood. Another element used was that of stippling, this creates the effect of stars.
Columbian Mask
Media: Carved and painted wood
Artist: unknown
Date: unknown
Size: 9 inches
Description: Carved and then painted wooden mask, bright colors used, two small holes used as eye holes.
Formal Analysis: Texture is added to the top of the mask to create the look of hair. The variety of pattern and color are elements used.
In looking up different masks I found this picture and that's where I have come up with the idea to use a milk carton as the base for my mask.
Here are the sketches I came up with for my mask:
Here is my completed mask:
The elements of design I used are color, I used a contrasting color scheme, line, the lines on the nose and at the bottom of the mask create movement. I also used strips of paper at the top to create texture to the mask and also serves as hair.
I'm quite happy with how my mask turned out. Using a gallon milk jug helped me to create the three dimensional quality for this mask. I found the process of research to be the hardest part of this process but also helpful. Had I not come across the picture of the milk jug I would have had a much harder time creating a three dimensional mask. I can't wait to see what my classmates did for their own masks.
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