Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Art Making/Material Exploration: Exploring Line

This week we have been asked to create a drawing of our hands using our dominant and non dominant hands. My dominant hand is my right hand, my drawing of the left hand was used with my right hand. The drawing of my right hand was drawn using my left hand. Here is how it turned out. 

I found it easier than I had anticipated to use hands as subject for my drawing.  I am still very nervous about drawing, it seems to be a hurdle I will never overcome. I worked myself up so much that as I began my right hand was shaking. As my hand drawing developed I was able to relax and go with it. I used graphite pencils to create my drawing. I used pencils because that's all I have and its what I'm most familiar with.  I have never used charcoal. It was very unusual to create a drawing with my non-dominant left hand. My left hand was shaking a lot and I found it very hard to create straight lines. The drawing of my right hand is much skinnier than my left hand. It also has much less detail. It was difficult to create detail using my left hand. I do feel though that both hands ended up as successful examples of hands. I do think I will use my left hand more often when I'm drawing, I would be interested to see if I could develop the skill of drawing with left hand. 

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